March 06, 2012

The pains and pleasures of not having a TV

Since I have moved into my new residence in August I have been with out TV. By this I mean there is no television set in my house, no bunny ears, no video games. Luckily my computer screen is 27' and serves as a decent substitute for TV. I watch a lot of stuff off Hulu, have an HBOgo account, and I can even watch CNN live thanks to my Mother's cable subscription. If there is some show that I really want to watch I can get my hands on it one way or the other.

My computer provides many forms of entertainment through the internet that a TV can not stand up against. Yet, the fact that I have no TV leaves me lingering sometimes. The number one thing that I miss about TV is live sports. I'm a big basketball fan and there is really no way for me to watch it on the internet without shelling out $150+. Simply clicking through the channels trying to find something to watch is something I long for.

The main issue is that TV is a very passive activity you kind of just watch .... something. Watching stuff on my computer is much more complicated system. Sometimes I spend more time just finding something I want to watch than I do just watching something. At least when I am flipping through the channels I am still watching something, it may not be anything that interesting but it's something.

I love the choice that the internet gives me when it comes to my entertainment. I have quite a few shows that are online for free or that I have acquired accuses to in some way. I don't have to be a slave to schedules or even remembering to DVR a show. I really like that I can do this. I don't have to pay $30 extra a month to pay for cable either.

I am about ready to start though. I really do miss just zoning out infront of the TV quite a bit. It really is one of those experiences that can't be replaced by internet TV. I miss watching the local nightly news, late night TV and sporting events. I miss switching between two channels to avoid commercials. I miss just being able to blow three hours of my time infront of a light box.

The free time that TV has left me with is nice. I read more, do my homework more and go out into the world and experience life more. I have no excuse not to spend my time doing something worth wild. I am still jealous of most people with their TV sets hooked up to even basic cable just relaxing with a beer in their hands watching some mindless show or live sporting event. I can't help but feel like I am missing out on something.


  1. I will be celebrating my one year-a-versary with no television in three weeks. At first, it was strange; it was nice having an option to actively be mindless for an hour...what?
    Since the absence of television, I have discovered alternative methods of occupying my time, most being fairly productive in any sense of the word. Getting used to my brain not melting, I find myself somewhat uncomfortable watching television elsewhere.
    The mindlessness is nice. But the dry eyes, numb ass and clothing detergent jingles replaying over in the head will never be missed. Keep that in mind, and I think a distant relationship with cable is the best one.

  2. Pretty neat you are talking about this after watching that Ted Talk in our Senior Seminar course. I still pay cable, but last time I turned it on, it was for the Superbowl. I have eaten up online media so much that I start watching Youtube channels as my 'TV' which is why I know so much about Youtube stars. I say look for some of these awesome Youtubers that you can like and start subscribing to some. Its like new episodes every day. But I understand that feeling of just zoning off and being a coach potato. I do miss that as well.

  3. Good work capturing the love-hate relationship any sane person should have with television. I haven't had one for over a year. It only gets easier. Strong narrative about the shift in technological trends and how it's reflected by our generation in particular.


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